Assuring Fair Assessment and Treatment of Employees

Seven & i Holdings conducts recruitment activities in compliance with the law and does not permit any discrimination whatsoever for reason of social status, place of birth, race, creed, religion, gender, and so on. In addition, we do not engage in forced labor or coerce employees to work against their will, and we prevent child labor by confirming age at the time of hiring. In terms of treatment, we comply with the minimum wage stipulated by law and promote equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. We appropriately evaluate the performance of work and the degree of contribution of each person and reflect it in rewards, such as bonuses.


Ensuring Fairness through Self-Evaluations

Seven & i Group has instituted a self-check program to maximize individual employee abilities and help ensure fair evaluations. Twice a year at each Group company, employees first assess their own job performance, which is then evaluated by their supervisor. After that, the employees and their supervisor meet to discuss the results. This direct dialogue helps the employees to identify their own achievements, strengths, and challenges while also ensuring the transparency and fairness of evaluations.

In addition, through individual meetings with supervisors, issues at the workplace related to management levels, knowledge, skills and the like are confirmed, and this leads to further career development. Since it is not a simple one-sided evaluation by the company, employees are more willing to accept the system and find it motivating. The system is helping to steadily improve operational levels.

Implementation of Management Checks

Seven-Eleven Japan has been conducting management checks since November 2017 as a personnel measure whereby subordinates and supervisors work together to improve the company and enhance internal communications. Subordinates initially evaluate the status of management of their subordinates by managers. The subordinate employees then respond to a total of 20 questions (five questions in each of four categories: humanity, thinking abilities, action abilities, and compliance) evaluating managers while also inputting any comments in a free entry field. To prevent the identification of specific individuals, the scores of all subordinates are averaged and comments are combined. Results are not directly disclosed to supervisors; oral feedback is provided during interim interviews (conducted twice annually) by the supervisor who is two levels higher. Each individual actively uses the results to generate outputs that will contribute to their individual growth.

Employee Compensation System

The Seven & i Group complies with the minimum legal wage and undertakes initiatives to improve the living standards of its employees.

In addition to operating a childcare and nursing care leave system available to all employees, regardless of their being permanent or part-time employees, we have established personnel systems to allow promotion and advancement aligned to individual motivation and ability, regardless of the category under which an employee was hired (new graduate hires at each Group company, experienced employee hire, promotions to permanent employee), or their educational background, nationality, or gender. The Seven & I Group has additionally made available a range of welfare and related systems, including subsidies for undergoing comprehensive physical examinations and cancer screenings, life and non-life insurance, and access to leisure and sports facilities at preferential discount rates.

Selection of Various Work Styles

Seven & i Holdings is committed to establishing systems that allow employees to choose diverse working styles and find fulfillment in their work.

For example, Ito-Yokado has introduced the "Selective Step Up System" which allows part-time employees to choose their working style. Under this system, part-timers can advance in rank as they express their desire, receive a certain level of evaluation, and acquire sales skills. Additionally, a system has been introduced to promote top-ranked part-time employees to salaried full-time or contract employees. In January 2020, the first store manager who started as a part-time employee was appointed. Since then, many part-time employees have been promoted to positions such as sales floor managers.

The cumulative number of part-time employees promoted to full-time positions

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023




Ito-Yokado's Selective Step Up System

Initiatives for Material Issue 5