Seven & i Group's Environmental Declaration

“GREEN CHALLENGE 2050” (Approved by the Board of Directors of Seven & i Holdings in May, 2019)

Formulated May 2019 

Partially revised December 2020 

Partially revised May 2021 

The Seven & i Group has strived to realize wealthy and convenient lives by responding to various changes in the social environment through the provision of products and services with value. At the same time, various environmental issues and social issues (e.g., external diseconomies) have come to the fore. Solutions to these issues are urgently needed for the sustainable development of society. With awareness of this current situation, our group will further promote a reduction of our environmental footprint across our entire store network and supply chain. All employees in our group are coming together as one to work on preserving the healthy global environment for future generations.

Vision  Theme Targets for 2030 2050 Vision
Reduction of
CO2 emissions
Reduce emissions from group store
operations by 50% (compared to
Reduce emissions from group store
operations to net-zero
Reduce emissions across our entire supply chain (scope 3) in addition to our own
emissions (scopes 1 + 2).
against plastic
Containers used in our original
products (including Seven Premium)
to be made 50% with environmentally
friendly materials (e.g., biomass,
biodegradable and recycled materials
and paper).
Containers used in our original
products (including Seven Premium) to
be made 100% with environmentally
friendly materials (e.g., biomass,
biodegradable and recycled materials
and paper).
Zero use of plastic-made shopping
bags. Shopping bags to be made of
sustainable natural materials (e.g.,
against food
loss and for
food recycling
Reduce food waste by 50% at the
amount generated by unit (amount
generated per million yen in sales)
(compared to FY2013).
Reduce food waste by 75% at the
amount generated by unit (amount
generated per million yen in sales)
(compared to FY2013)
Increase food waste recycling rate to
Increase food waste recycling rate to
Society in
with nature
50% of the raw food ingredients used
in our original products (including
Seven Premium) to be those that
guarantee sustainability.
100% of the raw food ingredients used
in our original products (including
Seven Premium) to be those that
guarantee sustainability.

*We will review our targets in response to changes in the social environment.

Identification of the Four Themes

Awareness of the Current Situation

The Seven & i Group operates diverse distribution service business lines (e.g., convenience stores, supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores). We meet the daily living needs of our customers through these store networks. At the same time, we strive to provide the new value demanded by the times and society. This has allowed us to develop a store network with approx. 85,800 stores in the world. We have been able to grow into a company with approx. 63.6 million customers visiting us a day (as of the end of February 2024). As a result, the products and services we provide are enjoyed by many customers. On the other hand, this now has a considerable effect on the global environment.

As indicated by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the whole world is seriously seeking sustainable development. Against this backdrop, it is now essential we proactively reduce our environmental footprint so that our group can grow together with our customers and participate in development with society.

Identification of Themes

To that end, we first strived to more specifically express our efforts to reduce our environmental impact. We did this by identifying fields with a particularly high social effect in the environmental impact generated by our business activities. As a result, we recognize that there are four themes with a large social impact that are especially close to our business activities: CO2 emissions generated by the use of the power necessary in our store operations (e.g., lighting, refrigeration and freezing); use of plastic (e.g., various products, shopping bags and packaging materials); food loss arising from the disposal of products; and product procurement with an impact on the environment and society in the raw material, processing and manufacturing processes.

Target Value Setting

We grasped the current situation for each of these themes to respond effectively to these challenges. We then specifically indicated our mission and responsibility in the near future of 2030 and in the next generation society of 2050 by setting targets quantitatively. We consider the stakeholders given in our corporate creed to be a sincere company that is trusted to also include the future generations. With this in mind, we would like to share our environmental goals “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050” with each generation in the future.

All Employees Working Together As One

First, all the employees in our group will share the purpose and targets of “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050”. We will then work to achieve this in our daily work. At the same time, it is also essential to respond to social diseconomies arising between companies in the process of distribution to achieve these targets. We will expand our close cooperation structure with our customers, local communities, business partners and all our other stakeholders through serious efforts with our whole group coming together as one. We will then promote innovation toward the creation of a sustainable society.

Launch of Four Theme-based Innovation Teams

We will work on new innovation under four themes: reduction of CO2 emissions, measures against plastic, measures against food loss and for food recycling, and sustainable procurement. To that end, we will select leaders (executive officers and higher) and sub-leaders from supervisory departments in each operating company to promote cross-group efforts to achieve our targets for 2030 and 2050.

Progress on Four Themes (FY2023 Results)


Reduction rate of CO2 emissions

from group store operations *1 (compared to FY2013)


Ratio of environmentally friendly materials used in containers for original products *2


Amount of food waste *3


Food waste recycling rate *4


Ratio of sustainable food ingredients used in original products *5

*1:Total of 9 companies: Seven-Eleven Japan, 7-Eleven, Inc., Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, Shell Gardens, IY Foods, Akachan Honpo, Seven & i Food Systems,  LOFT

*2:Ratio of environmentally friendly materials (biomass, biodegradable, recycled materials, paper, etc.) used in containers for original products (including Seven Premium). Calculated for 7 companies that handle original products (Seven-Eleven Japan, 7-Eleven, Inc., Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru,  IY Foods, Akachan Honpo, Seven & i Food Systems)

*3:Food waste generated per million yen in sales. Calculated for 5 food-related operating companies (Seven-Eleven Japan, Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, Shell Garden, Seven & i Food Systems)

*4:Calculated for 5 food-related operating companies (Seven-Eleven Japan, Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, Shell Garden, Seven & i Food Systems)

*5 : Ratio of food ingredients used in original products (including Seven Premium) that have been certified as sustainable. Calculated for 5 food-related operating companies (Seven-Eleven Japan, Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, IY Foods, Seven & i Food Systems)