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- Sustainability
- Basic Policies of Sustainability Initiatives
- Seven & i Group Human Rights Policy
In the spirit of “Trust and Sincerity” as stated in our Corporate Creed*1, Seven & i Group*2 (hereinafter “we” or “us”) supported by all stakeholders including customers, business partners, shareholders, local communities, and employees, engages in business activities that contribute to the development of quality in the daily life and society. All our business activities rely on the people and society. To understand the human rights of all people and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, we hereby set forth Seven & i Group Human Rights Policy.
*1:Corporate Creed
We aim to be a sincere company that our customers trust.
We aim to be a sincere company that our business partners, shareholders and local communities trust.
We aim to be a sincere company that our employees trust.
*2:“Seven & i Group” refers to Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries collectively.
This policy, along with our Corporate Creed, is the foundation for all business activities of the Seven & i Group. We also believe that respect for human rights is inseparable from the preservation of the global environment, which should be shared with future generations. Through the implementation of this policy, along with our environmental declaration, “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050,” we work with our stakeholders to create sustainable society where human rights are respected.
We recognize that our business activities may have an impact on human rights, and that one of our top priorities is to respect the human rights of all people across our value chain.
We understand and support the following internationally recognized principles and standards as the minimum principles and standards to be observed with regard to human rights.
・The International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)
・The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
・The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
・The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
・The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
・The Children’s Rights and Business Principles
・Japan’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights(2020-2025)
1)Seven & i Group’s executives and employees*3 (hereinafter “Executives and Employees”)
This policy applies to all Executives and Employees. We strive to create an environment where Executives and Employees, as people whose human rights shall be respected, can work with satisfaction in a safe and secure workplace free from discrimination. We implement this policy with the understanding that Executives and Employees are people who should respect the human rights of others.
2)Business Partners*4 of Seven & i Group
We continuously encourage all of our business partners to support this policy and work together to respect human rights. If any business partner is found to be involved in human rights abuse, we will encourage the business partner to take corrective measures.
*3:“Executives and employees of the Seven & i Group” refers to executives including directors and audit & supervisory board members, and employees including full-time employees, contract employees, part-time employees, dispatched employees, and temporary employees of Seven & i Group companies.
*4:“Business partners” include all external organizations and individuals involved in our business, such as franchisees, suppliers and other partners.
In order to implement this policy, we establish a group-wide organization at Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd., and promote initiatives to respect human rights under the supervision of its board of directors.
We establish a human rights due diligence mechanism in accordance with procedures set forth in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and strive to prevent or mitigate any negative impact on human rights.
If it becomes clear that our business activities have caused or contributed to human rights abuse, we will work to correct and remedy the situation. Even if our business activities have not caused nor contributed to human rights abuse but if our products or services have been directly linked to the impacts through business relationships, we will encourage our business partners to correct and remedy the situation.
We will operate grievance mechanisms appropriately, including whistleblowing systems to prevent human rights abuse and provide accesses to remedy for those who have been negatively impacted.
With regard to reports or allegations made through whistleblowing systems, we strive to protect the anonymity of whistleblowers and prohibit any disadvantageous treatment on the grounds of having made such report or allegation.
We do not tolerate or tacitly condone human rights abuse. If we receive a report or allegation that human rights are not being respected, we will conduct an appropriate investigation and work or call for possible corrective measures.
*5:“Grievance mechanism” refers to a mechanism for correcting and remedying adverse impacts on human rights. This includes a contact point for receiving and responding to internal and external human rights-related consultations and reports.
We recognize the importance of addressing human rights abuse under this policy from the perspective of stakeholders who may be impacted, and always seek to engage in close dialogue with our stakeholders. Furthermore, we strive to improve and enhance our efforts to respect human rights by continuously engaging in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders on human rights-related matters and by utilizing outside expertise on human rights.
We focus on education and awareness-raising activities to facilitate understanding of this policy and to implement it effectively.
・ We continuously provide appropriate education to Executives and Employees to ensure that this policy is incorporated into business activities across the Seven & i Group.
・ We also conduct awareness-raising activities on this policy for our business partners.
We continuously monitor our compliance with this policy and regularly disclose our human rights efforts through the Seven & i Group website and other means of communication in order to fulfill our accountability.
(1) Prohibition of inhumane treatment
We do not engage in any form of harassment including power harassment, sexual harassment, and other forms of harassment whether mental or physical. We also do not engage in inhumane treatment including abuse and corporal punishment.
(2) Prohibition of forced labor
We prohibit labor which is involuntary and forced, and prohibit human trafficking.
(3) Prohibition of child labor
We do not employ persons who are under the statutory minimum working age throughout our business activities and business relationships, and do not allow children to work in conditions that impair their development.
(4) Prohibition of discrimination
We do not place specific individuals in a subordinate or disadvantaged position because of status or attributes unrelated to their work. These attributes include race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, belief, social origin, property, sexual orientation and gender identity, health condition, or disability.
(5) Provision of Safe, Hygienic and Healthy Working Environment
We provide a safe, hygienic, and healthy working environment in accordance with laws and regulations.
(6) Appropriate Management of Working Hours
We appropriately manage working hours, holidays, and vacations in accordance with laws and regulations.
(7) Securing Appropriate Wages
In addition to complying with statutory minimum wage, we give consideration to paying above the living wage. Furthermore, we do not reduce wages unfairly.
(8) Children’s rights
We respect and promote children’s rights in relation to our products and services.
(9) Provision of Safe Products & Services and Ethical Marketing and Advertising Activities
We ensure the safety of our products and services, and do not discriminate in marketing and advertising activities. Furthermore, we do not use expressions that promote discrimination in our advertising activities.
October 7, 2021
Ryuichi Isaka
Representative Director and President
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.