Responses to Climate Change (TCFD) and Nature (TNFD)

Approach to Disclosure of Environmental Management Information

The Seven & i Group issued “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050”, its environmental declaration, in 2019 and is taking action with the objective of achieving decarbonization, a circular economy, and a society in harmony with nature. To address climate change, a particularly pressing issue, we expressed out support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in August 2019 and began analyzing business risks and opportunities and investigating countermeasures based on the TCFD recommendations. In FY2019–21 we first implemented a scenario analysis targeting domestic convenience store operations (Seven-Eleven Japan) and disclosed the analysis results, enabling us to gain certain suggestions regarding risks peculiar to the convenience store operations.

In the fiscal year ended February 28, 2023, as a domestic operation with the same geographical conditions, we implemented a scenario analysis of the superstore operations (Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, York) and disclosed the results. In the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024, judging that we could go ahead with an analysis of our overseas operation more effectively and efficiently by effectively utilizing the results of the scenario analyses in our domestic operations, we performed scenario analysis of 7-Eleven, Inc.

Through these analyses, we confirmed three key risks with significant financial impacts: imposition of carbon taxation, damage from natural disaster, and increased raw material costs. We are aware that these climate change risks are interrelated with the loss of nature and biodiversity. We believe that climate change will cause degradation of nature and that degradation of nature will result in increasingly severe natural disasters and difficulty procuring raw materials. In addition, conservation of nature including the conservation of forests can be considered to be a climate change mitigation measure in the form of protection of CO2 sinks.

Based on this understanding and in light of the release of framework V1.0 by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in September 2023, we will conduct analyses and investigate measures from the perspectives of responses to climate change and nature in order to implement integrated measures to address both.

Regarding the TNFD, we support the TNFD principles, participated in the TNFD Forum in January 2023, and the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN)’s Corporate Engagement Program in February 2023, registered with TNFD Adopters in March 2024, and have started analysis and disclosure based on the TNFD framework.



The Seven & i Group sees sustainability issues including climate change and nature as something that should be addressed Group-wide, and we have created governance structures centered on supervision by the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee.

The Board of Directors receives reports from the Sustainability Development Department that is a secretariat for the Sustainability Committee on our efforts for sustainability at least once a year, supervises their progress and the status of achieving the goal, and reviews our policies and efforts as appropriate.

The Sustainability Committee, chaired by Representative Director and President of Seven & i Holdings, meets twice a year, attended by CSR managers (e.g., representative director and president) of Group companies including the CEO of 7-Eleven, Inc. and managers from related divisions at Seven & i Holdings. Under the Sustainability Committee, the Environment Subcommittee has been established as a subcommittee to deal with climate change and natural capital issues.


Risk and Impact Management

In accordance with the basic rules for risk management, the Company and Group companies establish, streamline, and manage comprehensive risk management systems, centered on the Risk Management Committee, in order to properly analyze, evaluate, and appropriately respond to risks associated with each business, with consideration for changes in the management environment and risk factors. Risks related to sustainability are managed under this comprehensive risk management system as well.

The Risk Management Committee receives reports on the risk management status of the respective companies from the departments responsible for the management of risks, to comprehensively identify, assess, and analyze risks and discuss measures, and to determine the future direction going forward. In principle, the status of risk management is reported to the Seven & i Holdings Board of Directors once annually.

In recent years, in addition to changes in the Group's internal environment, the impact of various changes in the external environment on business operations, including heightened risks related to sustainability such as CO2 emission regulations, large-scale typhoons, and changes in growing regions and fishing grounds for product raw materials, has grown significantly.

In FY2023, to address these changes, the Company reviewed its risk management framework to not only account for short-term risks but also to consider medium- to long-term risks.

In the risk assessment process, in terms of the assessment perspective of the degree of impact on performance arising from the emergence of risk, by adding the qualitative factors such as business continuity, damage to the Group's brand image, and other factors to the quantitative factors previously considered, we seek to take a more multifaceted and sophisticated approach to assessment and analysis of all risks.

In addition, we are enhancing the effectiveness of risk management for the Group as a whole by identifying high-priority risks from the perspectives of significance, commonality, etc., and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Company and Group companies.

7-Eleven, Inc. also manages risks related to sustainability under the risk management of the Seven & i Group.

Targets and Metrics

The Group has set goals for reducing CO2 emissions, measures against plastic waste, reducing food waste and food recycling, as well as sourcing sustainable raw materials in its “GREEN CHALLENGE 2050” environmental declaration and discloses the progress of these targets.

Disclosure of Climate Change and Nature Information

Detailed disclosures based on climate change (TCFD) and nature (TNFD) frameworks can be accessed from the following links.