Dividends per Share

Last update: January 9, 2025

Basic Policies for Returning Profits to Shareholders

We recognize the importance of returning profits to our shareholders as a key management issue. To this end, we have introduced a "Progressive Dividend" policy, aiming to increase dividends in line with sustained profit growth. We will also execute flexible shareholder returns, taking into account free cash flow, stock price, and other factors.
During the current Medium-Term Management Plan period from FY2023 to FY2025, we aim to achieve a cumulative total payout ratio of 50% or more.

Dividends per Share

Forecast Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025

Interim Year-end (Forecast) Annual (Forecast)
20.00 20.00 40.00

For all periods preceding the share split including the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024, the actual amount of dividends paid out is presented.

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29, 2024

Interim Year-end Annual
56.50 56.50 113.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2023

Interim Year-end Annual
49.50 63.50 113.00

The year-end dividend of 63.50 yen comprises an ordinary dividend of 53.50 yen and a dividend of 10.00 yen to commemorate SEVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN CO., LTD.'s 50th anniversary of foundation.

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2022

Interim Year-end Annual
48.00 52.00 100.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2021

Interim Year-end Annual
47.50 51.00 98.50

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29, 2020

Interim Year-end Annual
47.50 51.00 98.50

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2019

Interim Year-end Annual
47.50 47.50 95.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2018

Interim Year-end Annual
45.00 45.00 90.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2017

Interim Year-end Annual
45.00 45.00 90.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29, 2016

Interim Year-end Annual
38.50 46.50 85.00

The year-end dividend of 46.50 yen comprises an ordinary dividend of 38.50 yen and a dividend of 8.00 yen to commemorate the Company's 10th anniversary of foundation.

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2015

Interim Year-end Annual
36.50 36.50 73.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2014

Interim Year-end Annual
33.00 35.00 68.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2013

Interim Year-end Annual
31.00 33.00 64.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29, 2012

Interim Year-end Annual
29.00 33.00 62.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2011

Interim Year-end Annual
28.00 29.00 57.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2010

Interim Year-end Annual
28.00 28.00 56.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2009

Interim Year-end Annual
27.00 29.00 56.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29, 2008

Interim Year-end Annual
26.00 28.00 54.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2007

Interim Year-end Annual
25.00 27.00 52.00

Dividends per Share for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2006

Interim Year-end Annual
Cash Payment upon Stock-transfer Seven & i Holdings Year-end Dividends per Share Stock-transfer Ratio Year-end Dividends Adjusted for Stock-transfer Ratio Actual Cash Dividends per Share
Seven-Eleven Japan 21.50 28.50 1.00 28.50 50.00
Ito-Yokado 16.00 1.20 34.20 50.20
Denny's Japan 15.50 0.65 18.525 34.025

Cash payments upon stock-transfer were made by Seven & i Holdings to the shareholders of Seven-Eleven Japan, Ito-Yokado, and Denny's Japan recorded in the registers of shareholders as of August 31, 2005, instead of the interim dividends payments for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2006. The amount of cash payments upon stock-transfer and annual dividends adjusted for the tranfer ratios are shown. The year-end dividends of 28.50 yen comprise ordinary dividends of 21.50 yen and memorial dividends of 7.00 yen.