Financial Highlights

Last update: July 12, 2024

Overview on results

 In the three months period ended May 31, 2024, the Japanese economy persisted in experiencing negative real wage growth due to factors such as rising prices associated with soaring energy and raw material costs, even while employment and income conditions improved. This has led to a clear divergence in consumption patterns, with incomes of the young and the elderly increasing due to rising wages and the extension of the retirement age, but also an emerging awareness of the need to protect livelihoods, especially among those responsible for child rearing.
 The North American economy remained robust overall, despite a persistently inflationary and elevated interest rate environment. In this context, there was a more prudent approach to consumption, in particular among middle- and low-income earners, who were particularly affected by rising prices and interest rates.
 In this environment, the Seven & i Group aims to be “a world-class retail group centered around its ʻfoodʼ that leads retail innovation through global growth strategies centered on the 7-Eleven business and proactive utilization of technology.” To achieve this goal, the Group has been pushing ahead with the business strategies and Group strategy laid out in the updated Medium-Term Management Plan (announced on March 9, 2023).
 The Group is taking a multi-faceted approach on addressing changes in the consumption environment in Japan and abroad, not only from a medium- to long-term perspective but also from a short-term perspective.
 As previously announced on April 10, 2024, the Group has developed concrete action plans to maximize the Groupʼs corporate and shareholder value and is promoting initiatives to steadily implement these plans.
 Our consolidated results for the three months ended May 31, 2024 are summarized below.

Financial Statements

(Millions of Yen)
  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Revenues from operations 6,644,359 5,766,718 8,749,752 11,811,303 11,471,753
Operating income 424,266 366,329 387,653 506,521 534,248
Ordinary income 417,872 357,364 358,571 475,887 507,086
Net income attributable to owners of parent 218,185 179,262 210,774 280,976 224,623
Total assets 5,996,887 6,946,832 8,739,279 10,550,956 10,592,117
Net assets 2,757,222 2,831,335 3,147,732 3,648,161 3,900,624
Non-controlling interests 155,295 162,352 166,719 173,565 184,041
Interest-bearing debt 982,960 1,761,210 2,898,733 2,975,797 2,738,654
Cash flows from operating activities 576,670 539,995 736,476 928,476 673,015
Cash flows from investing activities (318,047) (394,127) (2,505,566) (413,229) (431,809)
Cash flows from financing activities (213,204) 690,542 937,077 (270,373) (377,065)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 44,126 828,980 (768,946) 259,897 (112,293)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 1,354,856 2,183,837 1,414,890 1,674,787 1,562,493
Capital expenditures 360,909 377,299 439,630 431,961 473,770
Depreciation and amortization 226,475 235,504 292,561 376,097 400,789
Net income per share ¥246.95 ¥203.03 ¥238.68 ¥318.14 ¥84.88
Owners' equitiy per share ¥2,946.83 ¥3,022.68 ¥3,375.50 ¥3,933.93 ¥1,416.94
Dividends per share ¥98.50 ¥98.50 ¥100.00 ¥113.00 ¥113.00
Owner's equity ratio 43.4% 38.4% 34.1% 32.9% 35.1%
Return on equity (ROE) 8.5% 6.8% 7.5% 8.7% 6.2%
Exchange rate
Exchange rate  
(average on the term) U.S.$1= ¥109.03 ¥106.76 ¥109.90 ¥131.62 ¥140.67
1yuan= ¥15.78 ¥15.48 ¥17.04 ¥19.50 ¥19.82
(at fiscal year end) U.S.$1= ¥109.56 ¥103.50 ¥115.02 ¥132.70 ¥141.83
1yuan= ¥15.67 ¥15.88 ¥18.06 ¥19.01 ¥19.93
  1. Note 1)ROE is calculated based on the average of net assets at the beginning and end of fiscal year.
  2. 2)Capital expenditures include long-term leasehold deposits and advances for store construction.
  3. 3)"Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020), etc. have been applied from the fiscal year ending February 28, 2023.
  4. 4)The Company conducted a 3-for-1 common share split on March 1, 2024. "Net income per share" "Owners' equity per share" are calculated as if the share split had occurred at the beginning of the fiscal year ended February 29, 2024.
(Millions of Yen)
  Q2/FY21 Q3/FY21 Q4/FY21 Q1/FY22 Q2/FY22 Q3/FY22 Q4/FY22 Q1/FY23 Q2/FY23 Q3/FY23 Q4/FY23 Q1/FY24
Revenues from operations 3,646,449 6,149,472 8,749,752 2,447,317 5,651,505 8,823,781 11,811,303 2,650,666 5,547,013 8,580,207 11,471,753 2,734,750
Operating income 186,170 302,927 387,653 102,367 234,767 394,873 506,521 81,992 241,115 410,019 534,248 59,344
Ordinary income 173,450 282,145 358,571 95,519 219,763 370,264 475,887 73,708 226,867 388,239 507,086 55,000
Net income attributable to owners of parent 106,500 174,877 210,774 65,039 136,089 234,708 280,976 42,180 80,228 182,162 224,623 21,388
Total assets 8,718,548 8,649,303 8,739,279 9,959,256 10,499,995 10,901,476 10,550,956 10,598,356 10,838,971 11,093,844 10,592,117 11,223,488
Net assets 3,017,911 3,058,492 3,147,732 3,314,126 3,635,009 3,817,004 3,648,161 3,652,880 3,907,975 4,036,547 3,900,624 3,991,248
Non-controlling interests 163,551 163,352 166,719 166,242 171,112 170,799 173,565 172,973 189,514 183,989 184,041 182,129
Interest-bearing debt 3,115,983 2,957,029 2,898,733 2,960,383 3,055,264 3,157,617 2,975,797 2,773,117 2,871,189 2,993,284 2,738,654 2,826,114
Cash flows from operating activities 340,802 481,588 736,476 280,155 366,450 581,568 928,476 317,626 192,993 486,114 673,015 236,122
Cash flows from investing activities (2,343,981) (2,367,065) (2,505,566) (92,829) (184,232) (295,019) (413,229) (95,107) (223,140) (293,796) (431,809) (316,886)
Cash flows from financing activities 1,243,151 1,030,317 937,077 (86,031) (185,471) (238,669) (270,373) (252,355) (295,290) (163,920) (377,065) (131,783)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (717,476) 50,377 (768,946) 112,202 27,658 101,205 259,897 (28,819) (302,671) 67,070 (112,293) (189,226)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,466,360 1,379,054 1,414,890 1,527,092 1,442,548 1,516,095 1,674,787 1,645,968 1,372,116 1,741,857 1,562,493 1,373,267
Capital expenditures 201,223 316,847 439,630 81,970 192,085 298,534 431,961 94,632 211,113 321,864 473,770 112,362
Depreciation and amortization 131,608 208,738 292,561 87,164 180,503 278,077 376,097 98,084 197,735 297,868 400,789 104,531
Owner's equity ratio 32.7% 33.5% 34.1% 31.6% 33.0% 33.4% 32.9% 32.8% 34.3% 34.7% 35.1% 33.9%
  1. Note 1)Capital expenditures include long-term leasehold deposits and advances for store construction.
  2. 2)"Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020), etc. have been applied from the fiscal year ending February 28, 2023.