Consolidated Financial

Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan

Consolidated financial numerical targets

FY2021 Results FY2022 Results Evaluation *6 FY2026 Targets
EBITDA 626.8 billion yen 751.4 billion yen 1 trillion yen or higher
Operating cash flow
(excluding financial services) *1
456.7 billion yen 630.8 billion yen 800.0 billon yen or higher
Free cash flow
(excluding financial services) *2
132.0 billion yen 279.5 billion yen 400.0 billon yen or higher
ROE 6.8% 7.5% 10% or higher
(excluding financial services) *3
4.7% 4.8% 7% or higher
Debt/EBITDA multiple 2.8x 3.9x Less than 2.0x
Adjusted Debt/EBITDA multiple*4 Less than 2.2x
EPS growth rate (CAGR)*5 15% or higher

*1. Operating cash flow represents management accounting figures based on NOPAT (excl. financial business).

*2. Free cash flow is based on management accounting figures (excl. financial business) and is calculated by excluding M&A as a strategic investment from investment cash flow.

*3. ROIC is calculated using the following formula:
{Net income + Interest expense×(1 - Effective tax rate)}/{Owner's equity + Interest-bearing debt (both the averages of the figures at the beginning and the end of each fiscal year) }

*4. Adjusted Debt/EBITDA multiple represents a management accounting figure (excl. financial business) and is caluculated using the following formula:Net debt/EBITDAR[Net debt: Interest - bearing debt + On-balance lease - Cash and deposit adjustment]

*5. EPS growth rate is estimated by CAGR for FY2021

*6 FY2022 Results : ◎Outperformed target ○Proceed as planned ×Target not achieved

EBITDA/Operating CF plan (consolidated)
EBITDA/Operating CF plan (consolidated)
Capital expenditures plan (consolidated)
Capital expenditures plan (consolidated)
ROE/ROIC/Extraordinary loss plan
ROE/ROIC/Extraordinary loss plan
ROIC by business segment
ROIC by business segment
Debt/EBITDA ratio plan (consolidated)
Debt/EBITDA ratio plan (consolidated)
EPS growth rate
EPS growth rate

Consolidated Financial Summary

(Millions of yen) (Thousands of US Dollars)
FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Revenues from operations 4,786,344 4,991,642 5,631,820 6,038,948 6,045,704 5,835,689 6,037,815 6,791,215 6,644,359 5,766,718 8,749,752 76,084,800
Operating income 292,060 295,685 339,659 343,331 352,320 364,573 391,657 411,596 424,266 366,329 387,653 3,370,895
EBITDA*1 444,969 465,782 505,662 534,464 569,064 588,214 621,445 655,915 674,317 626,874 751,491 6,534,704
Ordinary income 293,171 295,836 339,083 341,484 350,165 364,405 390,746 406,523 417,872 357,364 358,571 3,118,008
Net income attributable to owners of parent 129,837 138,064 175,691 172,979 160,930 96,750 181,150 203,004 218,185 179,262 210,774 1,832,817
Total assets 3,889,358 4,262,397 4,811,380 5,234,705 5,441,691 5,508,888 5,494,630 5,795,065 5,996,887 6,946,832 8,739,279 75,993,730
Net assets 1,860,954 1,994,740 2,221,557 2,430,917 2,505,182 2,475,806 2,575,342 2,672,486 2,757,222 2,831,335 3,147,732 27,371,582
Non-controlling interests 93,748 102,038 123,866 128,827 129,912 137,154 145,454 148,285 155,295 162,352 166,719 1,449,730
Interest-bearing debt 712,077 853,064 934,396 948,252 1,032,970 1,048,490 983,061 1,105,189 982,960 1,761,210 2,898,733 25,206,373
Debt/equity ratio (Times) 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.41 0.44 0.45 0.41 0.44 0.38 0.66 0.97 0.97
Interest coverage ratio (Times) 49.0 41.1 39.4 37.8 43.8 57.2 48.7 44.6 48.4 48.6 33.9 33.9
Cash flows from operating activities 462,642 391,406 454,335 416,690 488,973 512,523 498,306 577,878 576,670 539,995 736,476 6,404,139
Cash flows from investing activities (342,805) (340,922) (286,686) (270,235) (335,949) (371,602) (240,418) (557,497) (318,047) (394,127) (2,505,566) (21,787,530)
Free cash flows*2 119,836 50,484 167,648 146,454 153,023 140,921 257,887 20,380 258,623 145,868 (1,769,089) (15,383,382)
Cash flows from financing activities (40,561) 10,032 (55,227) (79,482) (2,312) (78,190) (168,510) (5,324) (213,204) 690,542 937,077 8,148,495
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents 76,960 66,380 121,344 79,395 146,830 62,576 90,886 9,824 44,126 828,980 (768,946) (6,686,486)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of fiscal year 733,707 800,087 921,432 1,000,762 1,147,086 1,209,497 1,300,383 1,310,729 1,354,856 2,183,837 1,414,890 12,303,391
Capital expenditures*3 255,426 334,216 336,758 341,075 399,204 384,119 347,374 539,328 360,909 377,299 439,630 3,822,869
Depreciation and amortization*4 139,994 155,666 147,379 172,237 195,511 207,483 213,167 221,133 226,475 235,504 292,561 2,544,008
Net income per share (¥/U.S.$) 146.96 156.26 198.84 195.66 182.02 109.42 204.80 229.50 246.95 203.03 238.68 2.07
Owners' equity per share (¥/U.S.$) 1,998.84 2,140.45 2,371.92 2,601.23 2,683.11 2,641.40 2,744.08 2,850.42 2,946.83 3,022.68 3,375.50 29.35
Cash flow per share (¥/U.S.$)*5 305.41 332.45 365.64 390.49 403.15 344.07 445.79 479.49 503.29 469.76 569.99 4.95
Cash dividends per share (¥/U.S.$) 62.00 64.00 68.00 73.00 85.00 90.00 90.00 95.00 98.50 98.50 100.00 0.86
Owners' equity ratio (%) 45.4 44.4 43.6 43.9 43.6 42.4 44.2 43.5 43.4 38.4 34.1 34.1
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 7.5 7.6 8.8 7.9 6.9 4.1 7.6 8.2 8.5 6.8 7.5 7.5
Return on total assets (ROA) (%) 3.4 3.4 3.9 3.4 3.0 1.8 3.3 3.6 3.7 2.8 2.7 2.7
Dividend payout ratio (%) 42.2 41.0 34.2 37.3 46.7 82.3 43.9 41.4 39.9 48.5 41.9 41.9
Ratio of total amounts of dividends to net assets (%) 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.1
Exchange rate(Income statements) (¥)


79.80 79.81 97.73 105.79 121.10 108.78 112.16 110.44 109.03 106.76 109.90
CNY1= 12.32 12.72 15.92 17.18 19.23 16.42 16.62 16.71 15.78 15.48 17.04
(Balance sheets) (¥)


77.74 86.58 105.39 120.55 120.61 116.49 113.00 111.00 109.56 103.50 115.02
CNY1= 12.31 13.91 17.36 19.35 18.36 16.76 17.29 16.16 15.67 15.88 18.06

*1 EBITDA = Operating income + Depreciation and amortization + Amortization of goodwill

*2 Free cash flows = Cash flows from operating activities + Cash flows from investing activities

*3 Capital expenditures include long-term leasehold deposits and advances for store construction. Amounts do not include goodwill generated through acquisition of stores, etc.

*4 From FY2014, Seven & i Holdings and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries (except for certain operating companies) changed the method for calculating the depreciation of property and equipment to the straight-line method from the previously used declining-balance method.

*5 Cash flow per share = (Net income + Depreciation and amortization) ÷ Average number of shares outstanding


1. U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen, for convenience only, at the rate of U.S.$1=¥115, the approximate rate of exchange prevailing on February 28, 2022.

2. Results of mail order services were consolidated in the balance sheets for FY2014.

3. ROE and ROA are calculated based on the average of net assets and total assets at the beginning and end of each fiscal year.

4. ASBJ Statement No. 28 “Partial Amendments to Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting” (ASBJ Statement No. 28, dated February 16, 2018) has been applied to total assets from FY2020 and reflected retroactively in the figures for FY2018 and FY2019.

5. ASU 2016-18 Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230): Restricted Cash was applied in statements of cash flows for overseas subsidiaries using U.S. GAAP from FY2020.

Performance Overview

Revenues from operations and Operating income
Revenues from operations and Operating income
Net income attributable to owners of parent and ROE
Net income attributable to owners of parent and ROE
Total assets, Net assets and Owners' equity ratio
Total assets, Net assets and Owners' equity ratio
Cash flows
Cash flows

Overview of Major Group Companies
(As of February 28, 2022)

FY2022 sales Number of stores Number of employees Capital Equity owned by the Company
(Millions of yen) Growth rate (%) (Stores) Increase (Decrease) (People) Increase (Decrease) (Millions of yen) (%)
Domestic Convenience Store Operations
SEVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN CO., LTD. 4,952,782*1 1.7 21,205 120 12,869 (221) 17,200 100.0
SEVEN-ELEVEN OKINAWA Co., Ltd. 18,262*1 54.5 122 40 146 26 1,500 100.0
Overseas Convenience Store Operations
◯7-Eleven, Inc. 6,463,000*1 89.7 13,213 3,329 74,423 39,439 U.S.$17,532 100.0
◯SEVEN-ELEVEN HAWAII, INC. 39,985 23.2 65 0 986 (22) U.S.$20,000,000 100.0
◯SEVEN-ELEVEN (BEIJING) CO., LTD. 22,331*2 5.8 304 21 636 (138) U.S.$44,000,000 65.0
◯SEVEN-ELEVEN (CHENGDU) CO., LTD. 3,733*2 1.2 84 11 202 (26) CHY472,924,388 100.0
◯SEVEN-ELEVEN (TIANJIN) CO., LTD. 3,405*2 0.0 200 21 220 16 CHY200,000,000 65.0
Superstore Operations
Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. 1,038,664 (1.4) 128 (4) 26,083 (2,713) 40,000 100.0
York-Benimaru Co., Ltd. 469,415 0.1 237 2 15,032 44 9,927 100.0
Life Foods Co., Ltd.*4 50,601 5.6 5,138 168 120 100.0
York Co., Ltd. 188,961 3.7 101 1 6,824 713 3,000 100.0
SHELL GARDEN CO., LTD. 23,093 0.9 21 0 692 97 400 99.9
◯Hua Tang Yokado Commercial Co., Ltd. 5,439*2 6.7 1 0 190 (1) U.S.$98,721,983 100.0
◯Chengdu Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. 71,250*2 10.8 0 1 2,807 12 U.S.$23,000,000 80.0
Department and Specialty Store Operations
Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd. 446,973 3.8 10 0 4,549 (822) 20,500 100.0
Akachan Honpo Co., Ltd. 79,153 4.8 121 4 2,483 6 3,780 95.0
Barneys Japan Co., Ltd. 14,116 12.5 11 0 466 (28) 4,990 100.0
Seven & i Food Systems Co., Ltd. 44,765 (11.0) 545 (69) 5,514 (1,050) 3,000 100.0
THE LOFT CO., LTD. 89,086 9.2 138 7 4,307 (137) 750 75.2
Nissen Co., Ltd. 36,558 5.8 826 (102) 100 100.0
Financial Services
☆ Seven Bank, Ltd. 110,298*3 (1.2) 501 33 30,724 46.4
Seven Card Service Co., Ltd. 43,176*3 (6.0) 391 0 7,500 98.9
Seven CS Card Service Co., Ltd. 17,292*3 (1.0) 379 (86) 100 51.0

◯ Figures are for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. (Number of stores is as of December 31, 2021; Number of employees is as of February 28, 2022) ☆ Figures are for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. (Number of employees is as of February 28, 2022)

*1 Sales of Seven-Eleven Japan, Seven-Eleven Okinawa and 7-Eleven, Inc. represent total store sales.

*2 Sales for Chinese subsidiaries exclude value added tax.

*3 Sales for Seven Bank represent ordinary income, and sales for Seven Card Service and Seven CS Card Service represent revenues from operations.

*4 Life Foods Co., Ltd. ceased to exist as a result of its merger with York-Benimaru Co., Ltd.


1. Exchange rates (average for the period): U.S.$1=¥109.90; CNY1=¥17.04

2. Year-on-year comparisons for overseas subsidiaries are growth rates calculated on a yen basis.

3. Number of employees includes part-time employees (monthly average based on a 163-hour working month).

4. Ownership ratios include indirect holdings.

Segment Information

Business Segments

(Millions of yen) (Thousands of US Dollars)
Revenues from operations FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Domestic convenience store operations 897,847 858,776 873,239 7,593,382
Overseas convenience store operations 2,813,104 2,253,355 5,194,327 45,168,060
Superstore operations 1,849,121 1,810,884 1,810,728 15,745,460
Department and specialty store operations 912,060 684,660 712,282 6,193,756
Financial services 217,367 198,927 194,399 1,690,426
Others 19,706 17,323 20,340 176,869
Eliminations/Corporate (64,847) (57,209) (55,567) (483,191)
Total 6,644,359 5,766,718 8,749,752 76,084,800
Operating income FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Domestic convenience store operations 255,260 233,700 223,396 1,942,573
Overseas convenience store operations 103,351 98,664 159,866 1,390,139
Superstore operations 21,307 29,681 18,791 163,400
Department and specialty store operations 8,279 (17,444) (8,153) (70,895)
Financial services 53,610 48,077 37,549 326,513
Others (1,224) (570) (115) (1,000)
Eliminations/Corporate (16,319) (25,779) (43,681) (379,834)
Total 424,266 366,329 387,653 3,370,895
Capital expenditures FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Domestic convenience store operations 101,917 128,131 99,801 867,834
Overseas convenience store operations 136,992 146,067 178,435 1,551,608
Superstore operations 47,310 48,411 62,139 540,339
Department and specialty store operations 22,398 26,160 15,090 131,217
Financial services 36,099 39,328 37,323 324,547
Others 2,062 972 2,323 20,200
Eliminations/Corporate 14,127 (11,771) 44,516 387,095
Total 360,909 377,299 439,630 3,822,869
Depreciation and amortization FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Domestic convenience store operations 75,010 78,430 80,781 702,443
Overseas convenience store operations 78,713 82,725 127,193 1,106,026
Superstore operations 26,071 26,929 28,600 248,695
Department and specialty store operations 14,335 14,598 14,460 125,739
Financial services 29,031 28,766 31,783 276,373
Others 1,074 1,016 877 7,626
Eliminations/Corporate 2,238 3,038 8,865 77,086
Total 226,475 235,504 292,561 2,544,008

Geographic Area Segments

(Millions of yen) (Thousands of US Dollars)
Revenues from operations FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Japan 3,745,475 3,435,146 3,468,840 30,163,826
North America 2,782,055 2,232,234 5,170,053 44,956,982
Others 118,118 100,707 112,500 978,260
Eliminations (1,289) (1,371) (1,642) (14,278)
Total 6,644,359 5,766,718 8,749,752 76,084,800
Operating income FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Japan 321,441 266,096 227,174 1,975,426
North America 101,777 99,582 159,507 1,387,017
Others 1,199 805 1,029 8,947
Eliminations (152) (154) (58) (504)
Total 424,266 366,329 387,653 3,370,895


1. U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen, for convenience only, at the rate of U.S.$1=¥115, the approximate rate of exchange prevailing on February 28, 2022.

2. Capital expenditures include long-term leasehold deposits and advances for store construction. Amounts do not include goodwill generated through acquisition of stores, etc.

3. Others under segments by location are China, etc.

Former Segments

(Millions of yen)
Revenues from operations FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Domestic convenience store operations 863,373 901,306 928,649 955,443 971,236 920,832
Overseas convenience store operations 1,819,838 1,658,542 1,981,533 2,821,053 2,739,833 2,191,383
Superstore operations 1,982,381 1,949,313 1,901,164 1,902,507 1,849,121 1,810,884
Department store operations 768,757 729,612 657,886 592,100 577,633 425,153
Financial services 192,486 201,932 202,942 215,007 217,367 198,927
Specialty store operations 468,003 450,488 416,616 355,474 339,660 263,803
Others 30,340 23,854 23,533 23,720 25,202 22,011
Eliminations/Corporate (79,477) (79,360) (74,510) (74,093) (75,695) (66,277)
Total 6,045,704 5,835,689 6,037,815 6,791,215 6,644,359 5,766,718
Operating income FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Domestic convenience store operations 235,093 243,839 245,249 246,721 256,601 234,258
Overseas convenience store operations 66,804 67,421 79,078 92,266 102,001 98,097
Superstore operations 3,910 20,228 21,260 21,173 21,307 29,683
Department store operations 3,041 2,867 5,369 3,737 797 (6,248)
Financial services 49,672 50,136 49,713 52,874 53,610 48,077
Specialty store operations (3,006) (11,276) 435 6,680 4,690 (13,572)
Others 4,651 4,005 3,670 2,659 1,554 1,944
Eliminations/Corporate (7,846) (12,650) (13,120) (14,515) (16,296) (25,911)
Total 352,320 364,573 391,657 411,596 424,266 366,329
Capital expenditures FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Domestic convenience store operations 125,958 125,970 140,333 115,525 104,226 129,028
Overseas convenience store operations 112,807 147,226 94,285 288,221 134,684 145,170
Superstore operations 81,097 50,086 37,821 61,462 47,310 48,411
Department store operations 13,368 12,151 12,992 16,955 11,235 16,332
Financial services 33,422 26,070 38,803 34,918 36,099 39,328
Specialty store operations 11,708 8,979 8,882 9,157 10,427 9,038
Others 2,601 3,259 3,723 2,931 2,798 1,760
Eliminations/Corporate 18,240 10,373 10,532 10,157 14,127 (11,771)
Total 399,204 384,119 347,374 539,328 360,909 377,299
Depreciation and amortization FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Domestic convenience store operations 54,024 61,101 66,500 72,717 76,519 79,856
Overseas convenience store operations 65,381 64,992 69,582 76,141 77,204 81,299
Superstore operations 22,850 24,397 23,893 24,475 26,071 26,929
Department store operations 12,205 11,472 9,727 8,667 9,083 9,091
Financial services 29,071 29,416 28,926 31,072 29,031 28,766
Specialty store operations 7,284 7,787 5,588 4,141 3,879 4,254
Others 2,393 2,189 2,257 2,267 2,447 2,269
Eliminations/Corporate 2,299 6,125 6,691 1,651 2,238 3,038
Total 195,511 207,483 213,167 221,133 226,475 235,504

Geographic Area Segments

(Millions of yen)
Revenues from operations FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Japan 4,056,272 4,032,803 3,907,835 3,812,200 3,745,475 3,435,146
North America 1,855,305 1,690,713 2,017,092 2,862,627 2,782,055 2,232,234
Others 136,058 113,475 113,992 117,555 118,118 100,707
Eliminations (1,931) (1,303) (1,104) (1,167) (1,289) (1,371)
Total 6,045,704 5,835,689 6,037,815 6,791,215 6,644,359 5,766,718
Operating income FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Japan 288,068 299,251 314,700 319,613 321,441 266,096
North America 65,148 65,548 75,626 90,411 101,777 99,582
Others (842) (238) 1,320 1,562 1,199 805
Eliminations (53) 11 10 9 (152) (154)
Total 352,320 364,573 391,657 411,596 424,266 366,329


1. Capital expenditures include long-term leasehold deposits and advances for store construction. Amounts do not include goodwill generated through acquisition of stores, etc.

2. Others under segments by location are China, etc.

Business Segments
Business Segments
Business Segments
Revenues from operations
Business Segments Revenues from operations
Operating income
Business Segments Operating income
Capital expenditures
Business Segments Capital expenditures
Depreciation and amortization
Business Segments Depreciation and amortization
Geographic Area Segments
Geographic Area Segments
Geographic Area Segments
Revenues from operations
Geographic Area Segments Revenues from operations
Operating income
Geographic Area Segments Operating income

Financial Position

Interest-Bearing Debt

(Millions of yen) (Thousands of US Dollars)
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Short-term loans 127,255 143,160 129,456 619,953 140,146 1,218,660
Current portion of long-term loans 82,656 106,688 88,437 146,747 121,280 1,054,608
Current portion of bonds 74,999 50,000 80,000 66,917 60,000 521,739
Subtotal 284,911 299,848 297,893 833,618 321,427 2,795,017
Long-term loans 393,149 443,425 403,151 362,592 994,399 8,646,947
Bonds 305,000 361,914 281,915 565,000 1,582,906 13,764,400
Subtotal 698,149 805,340 685,067 927,592 2,577,306 22,411,356
Total 983,061 1,105,189 982,960 1,761,210 2,898,733 25,206,373
Breakdown by segment FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2022
Domestic convenience store operations
Overseas convenience store operations 163,867 260,757 219,041 281,974 1,500,345 13,046,478
Superstore operations 1,912 637
Department and Specialty Store Operations 207,860 178,742 187,191 169,806 1,476,573
Department store operations 175,711 163,564 160,999 146,193
Specialty store operations 52,673 44,296 17,743 40,998
Corporate 269,999 281,914 236,915 1,008,917 940,974 8,182,382
Subtotal 664,164 751,170 634,699 1,478,083 2,611,126 22,705,443
Financial services 318,896 354,018 348,261 283,127 287,607 2,500,930
Total 983,061 1,105,189 982,960 1,761,210 2,898,733 25,206,373

Note: U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen, for convenience only, at the rate of U.S.$1=¥115, the approximate rate of exchange prevailing on February 28, 2022.


(As of March 31, 2022)
S&P Moody's R&I JCR
Seven & i Holdings Long-term A A2 AA– AA
Seven-Eleven Japan Long-term A AA
Short-term* A–1 P–1
7-Eleven, Inc. Long-term A Baa2
Seven Bank Long-term A AA–
Short-term A–1

*Seven-Eleven Japan's short-term rating is its rating as the guarantor of 7-Eleven, Inc's commercial paper program. (from January 2006)


Issued by Seven & i Holdings

(As of February 28, 2022)
Amount Issue date Coupon Redemption date
9th unsecured domestic straight bonds 20 billion yen Apr. 26, 2013 0.671% Mar. 20, 2023
11th unsecured domestic straight bonds 60 billion yen Jun. 17, 2015 0.514% Jun. 20, 2022
12th unsecured domestic straight bonds 30 billion yen Jun. 17, 2015 0.781% Jun. 20, 2025
13th unsecured domestic straight bonds 130 billion yen Dec. 14, 2020 0.060% Dec. 20, 2023
14th unsecured domestic straight bonds 180 billion yen Dec. 14, 2020 0.190% Dec. 19, 2025
15th unsecured domestic straight bonds 40 billion yen Dec. 14, 2020 0.280% Dec. 20, 2027

Issued by 7-Eleven, Inc.

Amount Issue date Coupon Redemption date
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2023 1.25 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 0.625% Feb. 10, 2023
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2024 2.25 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 0.800% Feb. 10, 2024
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2026 1.25 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 0.950% Feb. 10, 2026
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2028 1.0 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 1.300% Feb. 10, 2028
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2031 1.7 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 1.800% Feb. 10, 2031
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2041 0.75 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 2.500% Feb. 10, 2041
USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2051 1.25 billions dollars Feb. 10, 2021 2.800% Feb. 10, 2051

USD-denominated senior unsecured notes due 2022 amounts to 1.5 billion USD was redeemed prior to maturity.
(September 2021: 750 million USD, November 2021: 750 million USD)

Issued by Seven Bank

Amount Issue date Coupon Redemption date
10th unsecured domestic straight bonds 20 billion yen Mar. 7, 2013 0.803% Mar. 20, 2023
11th unsecured domestic straight bonds 15 billion yen Dec. 17, 2014 0.536% Dec. 20, 2024
12th unsecured domestic straight bonds 30 billion yen Oct. 20, 2017 0.390% Sep. 17, 2027
13th unsecured domestic straight bonds 20 billion yen Jan. 25, 2019 0.160% Dec. 20, 2023
14th unsecured domestic straight bonds 20 billion yen Jan. 25, 2019 0.385% Dec. 20, 2028